**This post has been updated with rebate program information available as of September 23, 2020.**
It’s a good time to upgrade your inefficient home heating system. There are rebates currently available through the Home Renovation Rebates Program from BC Hydro, and the CleanBC Better Homes Program funded by the Province of BC and the Government of Canada.
The rebate offered by BC Hydro is $1000 for qualifying air-source mini-split or multi-split heat pump systems installed to replace electric furnaces or baseboard heaters.
The heat pump incentives from the CleanBC Better Homes program are for homes converting from oil or gas heat, and include $3000 for qualifying mini or multi-split systems, $3000 for qualifying variable speed central systems, and $1200 for qualifying conventional central heat pump systems.
Both rebate programs are combined into one online application form.
There are additional municipal top-up rebates available from select municipalities, which are automatically added when rebate applications are processed. These top-ups are only offered when an eligible heat pump system is replacing fossil fuel heat, not when replacing electric heat. Currently there is a $350 top-up rebate for all residents of the Capital Regional District (CRD), an additional $350 top-up for residents of Saanich, Central Saanich, and North Saanich, and an extra $2000 top-up for residents in the City of Victoria!
An EnerGuide Home Evaluation is not required to receive a heat pump rebate, but there is a $200 incentive offered for homeowners who choose to get one. Some municipalities also offer a top-up of $150 on this rebate.
There are additional home energy rebates available. Try the rebate search tool on the CleanBC Better Homes website to find all the rebates that may be applicable to your home. There are also a number of eligibility requirements, so be sure to review the Program Requirements and the Terms and Conditions for all those details.
For further information and guidance on these rebate programs, contact the Energy Coach service, either through their web contact form or by phone: 1-844-881-9790.