Through advanced technology, Inverter heat pumps are more economical to operate and quieter to run than conventional units.
They can handle greater extremes in temperature, are smoother and more stable in operation, and use less energy than conventional units.

The inverter component allows the outdoor unit to vary its speed and output to match the required capacity of the indoor unit.
Thus, an inverter heat pump can achieve 30% more operating efficiency than conventional models.

Since mini-split systems are usually either ductless or have limited ducting, they eliminate energy losses via the ducting associated with central forced-air systems.
Duct losses can be significant if the ducts are not sealed properly, or are installed in an unconditioned space such as an attic or crawlspace.

Envirotemp Refrigeration carries a full line of ductless split heat pump systems from Tempstar, featuring super-efficient inverter technology.
If you are looking for a professional, properly sized and configured installation, contact Envirotemp for a free estimate or call 250-893-4530.